keskiviikko 6. heinäkuuta 2011

Family members and relatives

Minä, minun - I, my

Perhe - (nuclear) family
Suku - family (cousins, aunts, acestors and all that included)
Sukulainen - a relative
Lapsi, lapset - child, children
Tytär - daughter
Poika - son
Lapsenlapsi - grandchild

Äiti - mother
Isä - father
Veli - brother
Sisko - sister
Sisarus, sisarukset - a sibling, siblings
iso- - older (e.g. isoveli - big brother)
pikku- - younger (e.g. pikkusisko - little sister)

Isoisä, vaari, pappa, ukki - grandfather (the word used depends very much on the dialect and family customs)
Isoäiti, mummo, mummi, mumma - grandmother

Täti - aunt
Setä - uncle, brother of one's father
Eno - uncle, brother of one's mother
Serkku - cousin
Pikkuserkku - cousins' children to each other, "small cousins"
Veljenpoika - nephew, one's brother's son
Sisarenpoika, siskonpoika -  nephew, one's sister's son
Veljentytär - niece, brother's daughter
Sisarentytär, siskontytär - niece, sister's daughter

Anoppi - mother-in-law
Appi(ukko) - father-in-law
Miniä - daughter-in-law
Vävy - son-in-law
Käly - sister-in-law
Lanko - brother-in-law

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